Training Courses and Achievements

What I have done

A section explaining the different courses I have completed and certificated awarded, as well as explaining the skills gained. 

  • Teamwork
  • Coordination
  • Communication
  • Ability to express myself
  • Time management
  • IT skills
  • Creativity

Erasmus+ is an EU programme that gives opportunities to travel, experience work, study or train in another country. 

I have been to many different programs, ranging from business-related topics to teamwork and cooperation.

Udemy is a service for online learning. I have been going through several Games Development courses, e.g., “Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D”.

Some completed courses and competitions cannot be combined into a category. They include:

  • Euroscola (EU decision-making simulation)
  • John Maxwell Team Communication and Teamwork Workshop
  • IELTS (English Certificate)
  • Several math certificates
  • Film competition

BEST organises debate, poetry, and theatre competitions in English. 

I have taken part in them numerous times and have even helped put one together. 

My Latest Work